Device Handler

Device Handlers, or Device Types, are the virtual representation of a physical device. They are created by creating a new SmartDevice in the IDE.

A Device Handler defines a metadata() method that defines the device’s definition, UX information, as well as how it should behave in the IDE simulator.

A Device Handler typically also defines a parse() method that is responsible for transforming raw messages from the device into events for the SmartThings platform.

Device Handlers must also define methods for any supported commands, either through its supported capabilities, or device-specific commands.

For more information about the structure of Device Handlers, refer to the Device Handler’s Guide.


Writing a Device Handler is considered a somewhat advanced topic. Understanding of how a Device Handler is organized and operates is assumed in this reference documentation. You should be familiar with the contents of the Device Handler’s Guide to get the most out of this documentation.

Methods expected to be defined by Device Handlers:

<command name>()


This method is expected to be defined by Device Handlers.

The definition for a Command supported by this Device Handler. Every Command that a Device Handler supports, either through its capabilities or custom commands, must have a corresponding command method defined.

Commands are the things that a device can do. For example, the “Switch” capability defines the commands “on” and “off”. Every Device that supports the “Switch” capability must define an implementation of these commands. This is done by defining methods with the name of the command. For example, def on() {} and def off().

The exact implementation of a command method will vary greatly depending upon the device. The command method is responsible for sending protocol and device-specific commands to the physical device.

Object <command name([arguments])>
Object - Commands may return any object, but typically do not return anything since they perform some type of action.


metadata {
    // Automatically generated. Make future change here.
    definition (name: "CentraLite Switch", namespace: "smartthings",    author: "SmartThings") {
        capability "Switch"
// capability "Switch" declared, so all supported commands
// of "Switch" must be implemented:
def on() {
    // device-specific commands to turn the switch on

def off() {
    // device-specific commands to turn the switch off



This method is expected to be defined by Device Handlers.

Called when messages from a device are received from the hub. The parse method is responsible for interpreting those messages and returning Event definitions. Event definitions are maps that contain, at a minimum, name and value entries. They may also contain unit, displayText, displayed, isStateChange, and linkText entries if the default, automatically generated values of these event properties are to be overridden. See the createEvent() documentation for a description of these properties.

Because the parse() method is responsible for handling raw device messages, their implementations vary greatly across different device types.

The parse() method may return a map defining the Event to create and propagate through the SmartThings platform, or a list of events if multiple events should be created. It may also return a HubAction or list of HubAction objects in the case of LAN-connected devices.


Map parse(String description)

List<Map> parse(String description)

HubAction parse(String description)

List<HubAction> parse(String description)


def parse(String description) {
    log.debug "Parse description $description"
    def name = null
    def value = null
    if (description?.startsWith("read attr -")) {
        def descMap = parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
        log.debug "Read attr: $description"
        if (descMap.cluster == "0006" && descMap.attrId == "0000") {
            name = "switch"
            value = descMap.value.endsWith("01") ? "on" : "off"
        } else {
            def reportValue = description.split(",").find {it.split(":")[0].trim() == "value"}?.split(":")[1].trim()
            name = "power"
            // assume 16 bit signed for encoding and power divisor is 10
            value = Integer.parseInt(reportValue, 16) / 10
    } else if (description?.startsWith("on/off:")) {
        log.debug "Switch command"
        name = "switch"
        value = description?.endsWith(" 1") ? "on" : "off"

    // createEvent returns a Map that defines an Event
    def result = createEvent(name: name, value: value)
    log.debug "Parse returned ${result?.descriptionText}"

    // returning the Event definition map creates an Event
    // in the SmartThings platform, and propagates it to
    // SmartApps subscribed to the device events.
    return result


Returns the URL of the server where this Device Handler can be reached for API calls, along with the specified path appended to it. Use this instead of hard-coding a URL to ensure that the correct server URL for this installed instance is returned.

String apiServerUrl(String path)
String path - the path to append to the URL
The URL of the server for this installed instance of the Device Handler.


// logs <server url>/my/path
log.debug "apiServerUrl: ${apiServerUrl("/my/path")}"

// The leading "/" will be added if you don't specify it
// logs <server url>/my/path
log.debug "apiServerUrl: ${apiServerUrl("my/path")}"


Called within the definition() method to declare that this Device Handler supports an attribute not defined by any of its declared capabilities.

For any supported attribute, it is expected that the Device Handler creates and sends events with the name of the attribute in the parse() method.

void attribute(String attributeName, String attributeType [, List possibleValues])

String attributeName - the name of the attribute

String attributeType - the type of the attribute. Available types are “string”, “number”, and “enum”

List possibleValues (optional) - the possible values for this attribute. Only valid with the "enum" attributeType.



metadata {
    definition (name: "Some Device Name", namespace: "somenamespace",
                author: "Some Author") {
        capability "Switch"
        capability "Polling"
        capability "Refresh"

        // also support the attribute "myCustomAttriute" - not defined by supported capabilities.
        attribute "myCustomAttribute", "number"

        // enum attribute with possible values "light" and "dark"
        attribute "someOtherName", "enum", ["light", "dark"]


Called in the definition() method to define that this device supports the specified capability.


Whatever commands and attributes defined by that capability should be implemented by the Device Handler. For example, the “Switch” capability specifies support for the “switch” attribute and the “on” and “off” commands - any Device Handler supporting the “Switch” capability must define methods for the commands, and support the “switch” attribute by creating the appropriate events (with the name of the attribute, e.g., “switch”)

void capability(String capabilityName)
String capabilityName - the name of the capability. This is the long-form name of the Capability name, not the “preferences reference”.


metadata {
    definition (name: "Cerbco Light Switch", namespace: "lennyv62",
                author: "Len Veil") {
        capability "Switch"

def parse(description) {
    // handle device messages, determine what value of the event is
    return createEvent(name: "switch", value: someValue)

// need to define the on and off commands, since those
// are supported by "Switch" capability
def on() {

def off() {



Called within the tiles() method to define a tile often used in conjunction with the Image Capture capability, to allow users to scroll through recent pictures.

void carouselTile(String tileName, String attributeName [,Map options, Closure closure])

String tileName - the name of the tile. This is used to identify the tile when specifying the tile layout.

String attributeName - the attribute this tile is associated with. Each tile is associated with an attribute of the device. The typical pattern is to prefix the attribute name with "device." - e.g., "device.water".

Map options (optional) - Various options for this tile. Valid options are found in the table below:

option type description
width Integer controls how wide the tile is. Default is 1.
height Integer controls how tall this tile is. Default is 1.
canChangeIcon Boolean true to allow the user to pick their own icon. Defaults to false.
canChangeBackground Boolean true to allow a user to choose their own background image for the tile. Defaults to false.
decoration String specify "flat" for the tile to render without a ring.
range String used to specify a custom range. In the form of "(<lower bound>..<upper bound>)"

Closure closure (optional) - a closure that defines any states for the tile.



tiles {
    carouselTile("cameraDetails", "device.image", width: 3, height: 2) { }


Called within the definition() method to declare that this Device Handler supports a command not defined by any of its declared capabilities.

For any supported command, it is expected that the Device Handler define a <command name>() method with a corresponding name.

void command(String commandName [, List parameterTypes])

String commandName - the name of the command.

List parameterTypes (optional) - a list of strings that defines the types of the parameters the command requires (in order), if any. Typical values are “string”, “number”, and “enum”.



metadata {
    definition (name: "Some Device Name", namespace: "somenamespace",
                author: "Some Author") {
        capability "Switch"
        capability "Polling"
        capability "Refresh"

        // also support the attribute "myCustomCommand" - not defined by supported capabilities.
        command "myCustomCommand"

        // commands can take parameters
        command "myCustomCommandWithParams", ["string", "number"]


def myCustomCommand() {

def myCustomCommandWithParams(def stringArg, def numArg) {


Called within the tiles() method to define a tile that allows the user to input a value within a range. A common use case for a control tile is a light dimmer.

void controlTile(String tileName, String attributeName, String controlType [, Map options, Closure closure])

String tileName - the name of the tile. This is used to identify the tile when specifying the tile layout.

String attributeName - the attribute this tile is associated with. Each tile is associated with an attribute of the device. The typical pattern is to prefix the attribute name with "device." - e.g., "device.water".

String controlType - the type of control. Either "slider" or "control".

Map options (optional) - Various options for this tile. Valid options are found in the table below:

option type description
width Integer controls how wide the tile is. Default is 1.
height Integer controls how tall this tile is. Default is 1.
canChangeIcon Boolean true to allow the user to pick their own icon. Defaults to false.
canChangeBackground Boolean true to allow a user to choose their own background image for the tile. Defaults to false.
decoration String specify "flat" for the tile to render without a ring.
range String used to specify a custom range. In the form of "(<lower bound>..<upper bound>)"

Closure closure (optional) - A closure that calls any state() methods to define how the tile should appear for various attribute values.


tiles {
    controlTile("levelSliderControl", "device.level", "slider", height: 1,
                 width: 2, inactiveLabel: false, range:"(0..100)") {
        state "level", action:"switch level.setLevel"


Creates a Map that represents an Event object. Typically used in the parse() method to define Events for particular attributes. The resulting map is then returned from the parse() method. The SmartThings platform will then create an Event object and propagate it through the system.

Map createEvent(Map options)

Map options - The various properties that define this Event. The available options are listed below. It is not necessary, or typical, to define all the available options. Typically only the name and value options are required.

Property Type Description
name (required) String the name of the event. Typically corresponds to an attribute name of a capability.
value (required) Object the value of the event. The value is stored as a string, but you can pass numbers or other objects.
descriptionText String the description of this event. This appears in the mobile application activity for the device. If not specified, this will be created using the event name and value.
displayed Boolean specify true to display this event in the mobile application activity feed, false to not display. Defaults to true.
linkText String name of the event to show in the mobile application activity feed.
isStateChange Boolean specify true if this event caused a device attribute to change state. Typically not used, since it will be set automatically.
unit String a unit string, if desired. This will be used to create the descriptionText if it (the descriptionText option) is not specified.


def parse(String description) {

    def evt1 = createEvent(name: "someName", value: "someValue")
    def evt2 = createEvent(name: "someOtherName", value: "someOtherValue")

    return [evt1, evt2]


Called within the metadata() method, and defines some basic information about the device, as well as the supported capabilities, commands, and attributes.

void definition(Map definitionData, Closure closure)

Map definitionData - defines various metadata about this Device Handler. Valid options are:

option type description
name String the name of this Device Handler
namespace String the namespace for this Device Handler. Typically the same as the author’s github user name.
author String the name of the author.

Closure closure - A closure with method calls to capability() , command() , or attribute() .



metadata {
    definition (name: "My Device Name", namespace: "mynamespace",
                author: "My Name") {
        capability "Switch"
        capability "Polling"
        capability "Refresh"

        command "someCustomCommand"

        attribute "someCustomAttribute", "number"


Used within the tiles() method to define the order that the tiles should appear in.

void details(List<String> tileDefinitions)
List < String > tileDefinitions - A list of tile names that defines the order of the tiles (left-to-right, top-to-bottom)


tiles {
    standardTile("switchTile", "device.switch", width: 2, height: 2,
                 canChangeIcon: true) {
        state "off", label: '${name}', action: "switch.on",
              icon: "", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
        state "on", label: '${name}', action: "",
              icon: "st.switches.switch.on", backgroundColor: "#E60000"
    valueTile("powerTile", "device.power", decoration: "flat") {
        state "power", label:'${currentValue} W'
    standardTile("refreshTile", "device.power", decoration: "ring") {
        state "default", label:'', action:"refresh.refresh",

    main "switchTile"

    // defines what order the tiles are defined in


the Device object, from which its current properties and history can be accessed. As of now this object is of a difference class than the Device object available in SmartApps. As some point these will be merged, but for now the properties and methods of the device object available to the device type handler are discussed in the example below:

// Gets the most recent State for the given attribute
def state1 = device.currentState("someAttribute")
def state2 = device.latestState("someOtherAttribute")

// Gets the current value for the given attribute
// Return type will vary depending on the device
def curVal1 = device.currentValue("someAttribute")
def curVal2 = device.latestValue("someOtherAttribute")

// gets the display name of the device
def displayName = device.displayName

// gets the internal unique system identifier for this device
def thisId =

// gets the internal name for this device
def thisName =

// gets the user-defined label for this device
def thisLabel = device.label


Called within the definition() method to define the information necessary to pair this device type to the hub.

See the Fingerprinting Section of the Device Handler guide for more information.


Returns the URL of the server where this Device Handler can be reached for API calls. Use this instead of hard-coding a URL to ensure that the correct server URL for this installed instance is returned.

String getApiServerUrl()
String - the URL of the server where this Device Handler can be reached.


Executes an HTTP DELETE request and passes control to the specified closure. The closure is passed one HttpResponseDecorator argument from which the response content and header information can be extracted.


void httpDelete(String uri, Closure closure)

void httpDelete(Map params, Closure closure)


String uri - The URI to make the HTTP DELETE call to.

Map params - A map of parameters for configuring the request. The valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
uri Either a URI or URL of of the endpoint to make a request from.
path Request path that is merged with the URI.
query Map of URL query parameters.
headers Map of HTTP headers.
contentType Request content type and Accept header.
requestContentType Content type for the request, if it is different from the expected response content-type.
body Request body that will be encoded based on the given contentType.

Closure closure - The closure that will be called with the response of the request.



Executes an HTTP GET request and passes control to the specified closure. The closure is passed one HttpResponseDecorator argument from which the response content and header information can be extracted.

If the response content type is JSON, the response data will automatically be parsed into a data structure.


void httpGet(String uri, Closure closure)

void httpGet(Map params, Closure closure)


String uri - The URI to make the HTTP GET call to

Map params - A map of parameters for configuring the request. The valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
uri Either a URI or URL of of the endpoint to make a request from.
path Request path that is merged with the URI.
query Map of URL query parameters.
headers Map of HTTP headers.
contentType Request content type and Accept header.
requestContentType Content type for the request, if it is different from the expected response content-type.
body Request body that will be encoded based on the given contentType.

Closure - closure - The closure that will be called with the response of the request.


def params = [
    uri: "",
    path: "/get"

try {
    httpGet(params) { resp ->
        resp.headers.each {
        log.debug "${} : ${it.value}"
    log.debug "response contentType: ${resp.contentType}"
    log.debug "response data: ${}"
} catch (e) {
    log.error "something went wrong: $e"


Executes an HTTP HEAD request and passes control to the specified closure. The closure is passed one HttpResponseDecorator argument from which the response content and header information can be extracted.


void httpHead(String uri, Closure closure)

void httpHead(Map params, Closure closure)


String uri - The URI to make the HTTP HEAD call to

Map params - A map of parameters for configuring the request. The valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
uri Either a URI or URL of of the endpoint to make a request from.
path Request path that is merged with the URI.
query Map of URL query parameters.
headers Map of HTTP headers.
contentType Request content type and Accept header.
requestContentType Content type for the request, if it is different from the expected response content-type.
body Request body that will be encoded based on the given contentType.

Closure closure - The closure that will be called with the response of the request.


Executes an HTTP POST request and passes control to the specified closure. The closure is passed one HttpResponseDecorator argument from which the response content and header information can be extracted.

If the response content type is JSON, the response data will automatically be parsed into a data structure.


void httpPost(String uri, String body, Closure closure)

void httpPost(Map params, Closure closure)


String uri - The URI to make the HTTP GET call to

String body - The body of the request

Map params - A map of parameters for configuring the request. The valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
uri Either a URI or URL of of the endpoint to make a request from.
path Request path that is merged with the URI.
query Map of URL query parameters.
headers Map of HTTP headers.
contentType Request content type and Accept header.
requestContentType Content type for the request, if it is different from the expected response content-type.
body Request body that will be encoded based on the given contentType.

Closure closure - The closure that will be called with the response of the request.


try {
    httpPost("", "id=XXX&value=YYY") { resp ->
        log.debug "response data: ${}"
        log.debug "response contentType: ${resp.contentType}"
} catch (e) {
    log.debug "something went wrong: $e"


Executes an HTTP POST request with a JSON-encoded boday and content type, and passes control to the specified closure. The closure is passed one HttpResponseDecorator argument from which the response content and header information can be extracted.

If the response content type is JSON, the response data will automatically be parsed into a data structure.


void httpPostJson(String uri, String body, Closure closure)

void httpPostJson(String uri, Map body, Closure closure)

void httpPostJson(Map params, Closure closure)


String uri - The URI to make the HTTP POST call to

String body - The body of the request

Map params - A map of parameters for configuring the request. The valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
uri Either a URI or URL of of the endpoint to make a request from.
path Request path that is merged with the URI.
query Map of URL query parameters.
headers Map of HTTP headers.
contentType Request content type and Accept header.
requestContentType Content type for the request, if it is different from the expected response content-type.
body Request body that will be encoded based on the given contentType.

Closure closure - The closure that will be called with the response of the request.


def params = [
    uri: "<yourUniquePath>",
    body: [
        param1: [subparam1: "subparam 1 value",
                 subparam2: "subparam2 value"],
        param2: "param2 value"

try {
    httpPostJson(params) { resp ->
        resp.headers.each {
            log.debug "${} : ${it.value}"
        log.debug "response contentType: ${resp.    contentType}"
} catch (e) {
    log.debug "something went wrong: $e"


Executes an HTTP PUT request and passes control to the specified closure. The closure is passed one HttpResponseDecorator argument from which the response content and header information can be extracted.

If the response content type is JSON, the response data will automatically be parsed into a data structure.


void httpPut(String uri, String body, Closure closure)

void httpPut(Map params, Closure closure)


String uri - The URI to make the HTTP GET call to

String body - The body of the request

Map params - A map of parameters for configuring the request. The valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
uri Either a URI or URL of of the endpoint to make a request from.
path Request path that is merged with the URI.
query Map of URL query parameters.
headers Map of HTTP headers.
contentType Request content type and Accept header.
requestContentType Content type for the request, if it is different from the expected response content-type.
body Request body that will be encoded based on the given contentType.

Closure closure - The closure that will be called with the response of the request.


try {
    httpPut("", "id=XXX&value=YYY") { resp ->
        log.debug "response data: ${}"
        log.debug "response contentType: ${resp.contentType}"
} catch (e) {
    log.error "something went wrong: $e"


Executes an HTTP PUT request with a JSON-encoded boday and content type, and passes control to the specified closure. The closure is passed one HttpResponseDecorator argument from which the response content and header information can be extracted.

If the response content type is JSON, the response data will automatically be parsed into a data structure.


void httpPutJson(String uri, String body, Closure closure)

void httpPutJson(String uri, Map body, Closure closure)

void httpPutJson(Map params, Closure closure)


String uri - The URI to make the HTTP PUT call to

String body - The body of the request

Map params - A map of parameters for configuring the request. The valid parameters are:

Parameter Description
uri Either a URI or URL of of the endpoint to make a request from.
path Request path that is merged with the URI.
query Map of URL query parameters.
headers Map of HTTP headers.
contentType Request content type and Accept header.
requestContentType Content type for the request, if it is different from the expected response content-type.
body Request body that will be encoded based on the given contentType.

Closure closure - The closure that will be called with the response of the request.


Used to define what tile appears on the main “Things” view in the mobile application. Can be called within the tiles() method.

void main(String tileName)
String tileName - the name of the tile to display as the main tile.


tiles {
    standardTile("switchTile", "device.switch", width: 2, height: 2,
                 canChangeIcon: true) {
        state "off", label: '${name}', action: "switch.on",
              icon: "", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
        state "on", label: '${name}', action: "",
              icon: "st.switches.switch.on", backgroundColor: "#E60000"
    valueTile("powerTile", "device.power", decoration: "flat") {
        state "power", label:'${currentValue} W'
    standardTile("refreshTile", "device.power", decoration: "ring") {
        state "default", label:'', action:"refresh.refresh",

    // The "switchTile" will be main tile, displayed in the "Things" view
    main "switchTile"


Used to define metadata such as this Device Handler’s supported capabilities, attributes, commands, and UX information.

void metadata(Closure closure)
Closure closure - a closure that defines the metadata. The closure is expected to have the following methods called in it: definition() , simulator() , and tiles() .


metadata {
    definition(name: "device name", namespace: "yournamespace", author: "your name") {

        // supported capabilities, commands, attributes,
    simulator {
        // simulator metadata
    tiles {
        // tiles metadata


Called in the simulator() method to model the behavior of a physical device when a virtual instance of the device type is run in the IDE.

The simulator matches command strings generated by the device to those specified in the commandString argument of a reply method and, if a match is found, calls the device handler’s parse method with the corresponding messageDescription.

For example, the reply method reply "2001FF,2502": "command: 2503, payload: FF" models the behavior of a physical Z-Wave switch in responding to an Basic Set command followed by a Switch Binary Get command. The result will be a call to the parse method with a Switch Binary Report command with a value of 255, i.e., the turning on of the switch. Modeling turn off would be done with the reply method reply "200100,2502": "command: 2503, payload: 00".

void reply(String commandString, String messageDescription)

String commandString - a String that represents the command.

String messageDescription - a String that represents the message description.



 metadata {

    // simulator metadata
    simulator {
        // 'on' and 'off' will appear in the messages dropdown, and send
        // "on/off: 1 to the parse method"
        status "on": "on/off: 1"
        status "off": "on/off: 0"

        // simulate reply messages from the device
        reply "zcl on-off on": "on/off: 1"
        reply "zcl on-off off": "on/off: 0"


Create and fire an Event . Typically a Device Handler will return the map returned from createEvent() , which will allow the platform to create and fire the event. In cases where you need to fire the event (outside of the parse() method), sendEvent() is used.

void sendEvent(Map properties)

Map properties - The properties of the event to create and send.

Here are the available properties:

Property Description
name (required) String - The name of the event. Typically corresponds to an attribute name of a capability.
value (required) The value of the event. The value is stored as a string, but you can pass numbers or other objects.
descriptionText String - The description of this event. This appears in the mobile application activity for the device. If not specified, this will be created using the event name and value.
displayed Pass true to display this event in the mobile application activity feed, false to not display. Defaults to true.
linkText String - Name of the event to show in the mobile application activity feed.
isStateChange true if this event caused a device attribute to change state. Typically not used, since it will be set automatically.
unit String - a unit string, if desired. This will be used to create the descriptionText if it (the descriptionText option) is not specified.


Not all event properties need to be specified. ID properties like deviceId and locationId are automatically set, as are properties like isStateChange, displayed, and linkText.



sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: 72, unit: "F")


Defines information used to simulate device interaction in the IDE. Can be called in the metadata() method.

void simulator(Closure closure)
Closure closure - the closure that defines the status() and reply() messages.


metadata {

    // simulator metadata
    simulator {
        // 'on' and 'off' will appear in the messages dropdown, and send
        // "on/off: 1 to the parse method"
        status "on": "on/off: 1"
        status "off": "on/off: 0"

        // simulate reply messages from the device
        reply "zcl on-off on": "on/off: 1"
        reply "zcl on-off off": "on/off: 0"


Called within the tiles() method to define a tile to display current state information. For example, to show that a switch is on or off, or that there is or is not motion.

void standardTile(String tileName, String attributeName [, Map options, Closure closure])

String tileName - the name of the tile. This is used to identify the tile when specifying the tile layout.

String attributeName - the attribute this tile is associated with. Each tile is associated with an attribute of the device. The typical pattern is to prefix the attribute name with "device." - e.g., "device.water".

Map options (optional) - Various options for this tile. Valid options are found in the table below:

option type description
width Integer controls how wide the tile is. Default is 1.
height Integer controls how tall this tile is. Default is 1.
canChangeIcon Boolean true to allow the user to pick their own icon. Defaults to false.
canChangeBackground Boolean true to allow a user to choose their own background image for the tile. Defaults to false.
decoration String specify "flat" for the tile to render without a ring.

Closure closure (optional) - A closure that calls any state() methods to define how the tile should appear for various attribute values.


tile {
     standardTile("water", "device.water", width: 2, height: 2) {
        state "dry", icon:"st.alarm.water.dry", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
        state "wet", icon:"st.alarm.water.wet", backgroundColor:"#53a7c0"


A map of name/value pairs that a Device Handler can use to save and retrieve data across executions.

Map state
Map - a map of name/value pairs.
state.count = 0
state.count = state.count + 1

log.debug "state.count: ${state.count}"

// use array notation if you wish
log.debug "state['count']: ${state['count']}"

// you can store lists and maps to make more intersting structures
state.listOfMaps = [[key1: "val1", bool1: true],
                    [otherKey: ["string1", "string2"]]]


Though state can be treated as a map in most regards, certain convenience operations that you may be accustomed to in maps will not work with state. For example, state.count++ will not increment the count - use the longer form of state.count = state.count + 1.


Called within any of the various tiles method’s closure to define options to be used when the current value of the tile’s attribute matches the value argument.

void state(stateName, Map options)

String stateName - the name of the attribute value for which to display this state for.

Map options - a map that defines additional information for this state. The valid options are:

option type description
action String the action to take when this tile is pressed. The form is <capabilityReference>.<command>.
backgroundColor String a hexadecimal color code to use for the background color. This has no effect if the tile has decoration: “flat”.
backgroundColors String specify a list of maps of attribute values and colors. The mobile app will match and interpolate between these entries to select a color based on the value of the attribute.
defaultState Boolean specify true if this state should be the active state displayed for this tile.
icon String the identifier of the icon to use for this state. You can view the icon options here.
label String the label for this state.


standardTile("water", "device.water", width: 2, height: 2) {
    // when the "water" attribute has the value "dry", show the
    // specified icon and background color
    state "dry", icon:"st.alarm.water.dry", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"

    // when the "water" attribute has the value "wet", show the
    // specified icon and background color
    state "wet", icon:"st.alarm.water.wet", backgroundColor:"#53a7c0"

valueTile("temperature", "device.temperature", width: 2, height: 2) {
    state("temperature", label:'${currentValue}°',
            [value: 31, color: "#153591"],
            [value: 44, color: "#1e9cbb"],
            [value: 59, color: "#90d2a7"],
            [value: 74, color: "#44b621"],
            [value: 84, color: "#f1d801"],
            [value: 95, color: "#d04e00"],
            [value: 96, color: "#bc2323"]


The status method is called in the simulator() method, and populates the select box that appears under virtual devices in the IDE. Can be called in the simulator() method.

void status(String name, String messageDescription)

String name - any unique string and is used to refer to this status message in the select box.

String messageDescription - should be a parseable message for this device type. It’s passed to the device type handler’s parse method when select box entry is sent in the simulator. For example, status "on": "command: 2003, payload: FF" will send a Z-Wave Basic Report command to the device handler’s parse method when the on option is selected and sent.



 metadata {

    // simulator metadata
    simulator {
        // 'on' and 'off' will appear in the messages dropdown, and send
        // "on/off: 1 to the parse method"
        status "on": "on/off: 1"
        status "off": "on/off: 0"

        // simulate reply messages from the device
        reply "zcl on-off on": "on/off: 1"
        reply "zcl on-off off": "on/off: 0"


Defines the user interface for the device in the mobile app. It’s composed of one or more standardTile() , valueTile() , carouselTile() , or controlTile() methods, as well as a main() and details() method.

void tiles(Closure closure)
Closure closure - A closure that defines the various tiles and metadata.


tiles {
    standardTile("switchTile", "device.switch", width: 2, height: 2,
                 canChangeIcon: true) {
        state "off", label: '${name}', action: "switch.on",
              icon: "", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
        state "on", label: '${name}', action: "",
              icon: "st.switches.switch.on", backgroundColor: "#E60000"
    valueTile("powerTile", "device.power", decoration: "flat") {
              state "power", label:'${currentValue} W'
    standardTile("refreshTile", "device.power", decoration: "ring") {
        state "default", label:'', action:"refresh.refresh",

    main "switchTile"


Defines a tile that displays a specific value. Typical examples include temperature, humidity, or power values. Called within the tiles() method.

void valueTile(String tileName, String attributeName [, Map options, Closure closure])

String tileName - the name of the tile. This is used to identify the tile when specifying the tile layout.

String attributeName - the attribute this tile is associated with. Each tile is associated with an attribute of the device. The typical pattern is to prefix the attribute name with "device." - e.g., "device.power".

Map options (optional) - Various options for this tile. Valid options are found in the table below:

option type description
width Integer controls how wide the tile is. Default is 1.
height Integer controls how tall this tile is. Default is 1.
canChangeIcon Boolean true to allow the user to pick their own icon. Defaults to false.
canChangeBackground Boolean true to allow a user to choose their own background image for the tile. Defaults to false.
decoration String specify "flat" for the tile to render without a ring.

Closure closure (optional) - A closure that calls any state() methods to define how the tile should appear for various attribute values.


tiles {
    valueTile("power", "device.power", decoration: "flat") {
        state "power", label:'${currentValue} W'



The documentation for this property is incomplete.

A utility class for parsing and formatting ZigBee messages.

Zigbee zigbee
A reference to the ZigBee utility class.


The utility class for parsing and formatting Z-Wave command messages.

ZWave zwave
A reference to the ZWave helper class. See the Z-Wave Reference for more information.


// On command implementation for a Z-Wave switch
def on() {
        zwave.basicV1.basicSet(value: 0xFF).format(),